As educators working with marginalized populations across the country, it’s been an emotional week following the events in Charlottesville and the response of the current administration. Our work at CT3 is first and foremost to promote social justice, love, acceptance, and a thirst for learning. The events of this weekend note a deepening crisis in our country and for our children. What we saw was an outpouring of hate, without the opportunity to find common understandings or to build relationships. Like many of you, we at CT3 believe the opportunity to build bridges and understanding between individuals lies in America’s classrooms. Our mission is to transform the quality and culture of education for youth, especially those in traditionally disenfranchised communities. We stand in solidarity with educators, policy makers, activists and all those residing in our borders and beyond, to fight the hatred and further disenfranchisement of any group of people. Our mission is more critical now than ever and we will move with greater integrity and intention as we work with educators across the country.
Through these events, we find a renewed dedication to supporting educators through No-Nonsense Nurturer®, Real Time Teacher Coaching® and the rest of our work to create high-quality, safe learning environments where youth find their voice. Creating classrooms and schools where scholars speak to issues of social justice working alongside educational leaders that ensure students are secure, their cultures are honored and their communities and values are respected and celebrated.
At this time in history, the work we do is more important than ever, and I celebrate, honor and stand alongside each of you as we continue the most important work – educating the future leaders of the world so the tragedies of Charlottesville will cease to exist and will be replaced by demonstrations that celebrate and fight for the rights of all human beings.
Kristyn Klei Borrero
CT3’s CEO and Co-Founder
Check out CT3 Education programs such as No-Nonsense Nurturer, Real Time Teacher Coaching, and Real Time Leadership Coaching to find out more about Professional Development for Teachers and Leaders, classroom management strategies, and building relationships with students and their families, and properly addressing important issues in the classroom and school.
Category: Culture