Rocking Teacher Feedback: There Are Levels to This


Let’s dive into teacher feedback – a powerful tool in nurturing our teachers and fostering a school that learns. Like sports coaching strategies, effective feedback can be the key to transforming a good teacher into a great one. Let’s explore the three crucial levels that can impact teaching practices and enhance student learning while understanding how each level […]

The Power of Leader and Coach Alignment: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success

In schools across our country, instructional coaches work to ensure each of their teachers get the support they need to be successful for students. School leaders are uniquely positioned to provide structure and explicit coaching to these folks, to ensure coach effectiveness as well as their feedback alignment. The steps below support an intentional relationship […]

Virtual Coaching: Not Just for Personal Training

One of the ways I like to destress and demonstrate self-care is by taking group exercise classes and going to the gym. Due to quarantines and social distancing restrictions, many gyms closed, and numerous personal trainers and gyms now offer virtual classes, training and coaching through Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, or other virtual platforms. I’ve participated […]