The Verdict Is In
We heard the three guilty verdicts in the George Floyd murder case. Yesterday, April 21, all CT3 team members refrained from email, Zoom meetings, and work to reflect on the changes they could make (in their own actions and communities) to act against racism and actively commit to those changes. While it would have been […]
What to Consider When Planning How to Spend CARES/ESSER Dollars
Over the last 18 months, we have faced more challenges as educators than one would hope to encounter in an entire career. Because we are a resilient workforce, educators met the COVID and racism pandemics in the virtual space with perseverance and integrity. Our leaders and our teachers have shown unparalleled resilience and innovation matched […]
Performative or Substantive?
At CT3 we commit to support real change — internally and externally — in the anti-racist movement that is well overdue in our country. We provide our Juneteenth 2019 statement to our partners and larger network of educators as a guide for many, if not all, of the decisions we make to support our team […]
Vulnerability and Our Journey to Become and Anti-Racist Organization
Origin of Our Journey to Anti-Racism On Juneteenth, CT3 made a commitment to become a leading anti-racist organization. Soon after, our seven-person anti-racism (AR) committee set out to actualize that commitment. Referring to the work of Dr. Ibram X. Kendi and other experts, our team agreed that to be an anti-racist is to actively take […]