Inside Out: A Teacher’s Emotional Journey in Education

Teaching is more than just a profession; it’s a calling deeply rooted in the desire to inspire, educate, and positively impact young lives. Yet, in the wake of the pandemic and amid the pervasive influence of social media on children and teens, educators face unprecedented challenges. Many teachers find themselves navigating burnout and questioning their ability to continue in a role they entered with such passion and dedication.


Imagine if the script of the Inside Out films were set inside a teacher’s brain. Just as the film explores the intricate emotions of an adolescent girl, educators experience a complex interplay of feelings as they navigate the classroom dynamics, curriculum demands, and the emotional well-being of their students. Like Riley’s emotions—Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Disgust, Anxiety, Embarrassment, Envy, and Boredom—teachers juggle their own emotional roller coaster while striving to create a nurturing and effective learning environment.


Empathy and Compassion for Educators

Films like Inside Out allow us to empathize with the emotional journey of developing children. They resonate deeply because they remind us of the complexities of growing up and the importance of emotional support. As educators, we must extend this empathy and compassion inward. Teachers deserve understanding and support as they navigate the challenges of their profession.


Investing in teachers goes beyond providing professional development focused solely on instructional strategies. It requires a comprehensive approach that acknowledges and addresses the emotional and mental well-being of educators. Just as we prioritize academic achievement for students, nurturing teachers’ emotional resilience and well-being is essential for sustainable success in education.


Supporting Teachers Holistically

CT3 Education offers valuable resources to support educators in this holistic approach. Through executive coaching for school leaders and Real Time Teacher Coaching® for instructional coaches, CT3 equips educational leaders with the tools to foster a supportive environment for teachers. This approach not only enhances instructional effectiveness but also provides the emotional and professional support teachers need to thrive.


Real Time Teacher Coaching (RTTC) is particularly transformative as it allows educators to reflect on their practice, identify emotional triggers, and develop strategies to navigate challenges with intentionality. This model ensures that educators are not only growing professionally but also maintaining their emotional well-being in a demanding profession.


A Call to Action: Nurturing Educators for Student Success

To truly support teachers, we must prioritize their professional and emotional growth. By investing in comprehensive professional development that includes emotional intelligence and resilience training, we equip educators to navigate the complexities of teaching with confidence and compassion.


As we reflect on the emotional journey depicted in Inside Out, let us extend the same empathy and understanding to our educators. They are the heart of our educational system, guiding and inspiring the next generation. Let’s ensure they feel supported, valued, and equipped to nurture the minds and hearts of our students every day.


Just as Inside Out encourages us to laugh, cry, and empathize with the emotional journey of its characters, let’s ensure that our teachers feel seen, heard, and supported in their own professional and emotional journeys. Together, we can create a nurturing educational environment where both educators and students thrive.

Invest in teachers. The future depends on it.

by Jackie Surratt, Managing Associate


Check out CT3 Education programs such as No-Nonsense NurturerReal Time Teacher Coaching, and Real Time Leadership Coaching to find out more about Professional Development for Teachers and Leaders, classroom management strategies, and building relationships with students and their families, and properly addressing important issues in the classroom and school.

Category: CoachingEducationLeadershipNo-Nonsense NurturerReal Time Leadership Coaching