Meet Jennifer Lee, Director of Academics, Social Studies Teacher, & Real Time Teacher Coach
CT3 Associate Heidi Towne recently sat down with Jennifer Lee from Detroit Collegiate Academy in Detroit, Michigan. In addition to being a Real Time Teacher Coach, she is also as the director of academics and a social studies teacher. Though challenging, Jennifer prioritizes coaching her fellow teachers. Read on to hear about how she balances […]
Meet Randall Duval: Author and Real Time Teacher Coach
When I met Randall Duval, Real Time Teacher Coach and 12th Grade Language Arts Teacher at Denver Center for International Studies at Montebello, I knew immediately that he was a No-Nonsense Nurturer® by the way he talked about his relationships with students and his passion to see that they were treated with dignity and held […]
Repost: Reflections on How I Could have Been A More Effective Educator and Administrator on Behalf of Students
This article on “Every Student, Every Day” is re-posted from Sid Haro’s blog on Medium. I consider myself a deeply reflective person and educator. My career in education has been a successful and fulfilling one. I remember being invited to and then watching my best friend Kenny teaching a class, and then advising an after-school […]
The Special Education Teacher: A Trained Engineer
Honestly, when I first started out as a teacher in special education, I didn’t think I offered anything different to my students than what the mainstream teachers in my school could provide. I didn’t think I had any of that “magic pixie dust” that colleagues, parents, and administrators seemed to think I would be able […]
Caring About vs. Caring For
Travel to schools across the country, and you’ll see it’s clear that teachers are working hard and truly care about their students. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be doing this job day after day. When I walk through buildings and talk with teachers, I hear and sense this. However, when it comes to what care actually looks […]
Punishment or Restorative Practices: The Only Two Choices in School Climate?
For more than a year, I have been struck by the ongoing school discipline “wars.” Sometimes the fight seems as much a war of semantics as of approaches and beliefs. Perhaps it is not a new fight, but for the first time in my two-plus decades in education, I feel we could be on the […]
Top 8 Tips for New Teachers That You Probably Haven’t Considered
Here are some teacher guidance tips for new teachers. Being a first-year teacher is rewarding, challenging, and filled with lessons that you plan for your students and that you learn from yourself. While your first year is likely to include late night planning, anxiety with each classroom observation, and tons of trial and error, there […]
Supporting & Coaching Teachers in Effective Co-Teaching Models
Like many, I had challenges as a child. One of the biggest challenges I had to overcome came around the second grade when everyone discovered I really couldn’t read. I had gotten by on my boyish charm, knowing just a few words! The next few years of school would prove to be challenging, embarrassing and […]
Classroom Management for Engagement, Empowerment, and Achievement
Classroom management issues lead many of the schools and districts that I work with to seek outside support, such as our approach here at CT3. However, the ultimate goal of classroom management is not to achieve compliance or control, but to provide all students with equitable opportunities for learning (Weinstein, Tomlinson-Clarke and Curran, 2004). To that […]
4 Steps to Classroom Turnaround: How do you turn around a class that you’ve let get out of control?
Transform My Classroom: I recently walked into a classroom to hear a teacher tell a student across the room “Jason, you’re on step 6 on the consequence chart.” It was only 9:40 am! I wondered to myself what this student could have possibly done so wrong to be on step 6 of 7 so early […]