One, Two, Three All Eyes on Me: The Power of Visual Connection

Teacher eye contact

Student engagement is a primary focus of my work. When entering classrooms, I often observe teachers giving directions and delivering instruction while students have their heads down, writing, drawing, or basically looking anywhere but at the teacher. When addressed, the response I often hear is, “Well, some students can look distracted and still be listening.” […]

Leadership Confessions

Teacher teaching

Sometimes, the pressure for school leaders to know all the answers is overwhelming. Most of us have been taught that to be a good leader we have to lead from the front, never alongside and never behind those we serve. As a teacher, I would often tell my students, “I don’t know the answer to […]

Evolution: “Management or Die” is a Thing of the Past

Classroom Management For What? Compliance is NOT the goal When it started, CT3 Education (then, the Center for Transformative Teacher Training) partnered with districts, schools, and organizations across the nation, with a focus on improving classroom management. All of our work was rooted in the No-Nonsense Nurturer® Four Step Model, an approach to engaging students […]

Rocking Teacher Feedback: There Are Levels to This


Let’s dive into teacher feedback – a powerful tool in nurturing our teachers and fostering a school that learns. Like sports coaching strategies, effective feedback can be the key to transforming a good teacher into a great one. Let’s explore the three crucial levels that can impact teaching practices and enhance student learning while understanding how each level […]

College and Career Readiness

College and Career Readiness

College and career readiness is an issue of growing importance in my mind. In fact, I am obsessed with it. I am a career educator, coach, community member, and most importantly the mom of two Generation Z youngsters. In my opinion, Gen Z gets a bad rap, for it is their sensitivity (which is frequently […]

Relationships: More important now than ever before.

This is a repost and certainly as timely now as it was in March 2020. This blog series is aimed at helping educators in a time of uncertainty and challenge. The cornerstone of being a No-Nonsense Nurturer is building meaningful relationships – with students, their families, and our colleagues. During this time of COVID-19, most […]

SEL Book List: Teacher and School Leader

Excerpt reposted from Glose for Education blog, originally posted October 8, 2020. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) within the school is primarily associated with student enrichment and development, however, we know that SEL opportunities benefit more learners when both professional and personal experiences are extended to all stakeholders, especially teacher and school leaders. To contribute […]

Managing online learning fatigue for scholars

This online learning blog series is aimed at helping educators in a time of uncertainty and new challenges. Whether you are managing a virtual classroom daily with synchronous instruction or engaging with asynchronous instruction, supporting students as they balance their time on- and off-the-screen makes a difference in their overall success. What are some tips […]

What do we do on Wednesday, November 4, 2020?!

The SY2021 school year is presenting a number of challenges for educators — too many to count. In the coming week, national (and local) elections may contribute to that challenge. The current identity polarization in the US — across lines of race, politics, gender, ethnicity, language and more — will undoubtedly show up in conversations […]


I was recently reminded that One. White. Woman. has a lot of power in this country. This reminder came after our team completed a No-Nonsense Nurturer® Workshop in the South and One. White. Woman. set the district into a tizzy. She claimed our training conflicted with their state’s CRT laws, when in fact it does […]