Virtual Coaching: Not Just for Personal Training

One of the ways I like to destress and demonstrate self-care is by taking group exercise classes and going to the gym. Due to quarantines and social distancing restrictions, many gyms closed, and numerous personal trainers and gyms now offer virtual classes, training and coaching through Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, or other virtual platforms. I’ve participated […]

Dear Walkie

Educators from across the country have questions on equity; CT3 associates have answers in the Dear Walkie podcast series.

Coaching in the Classroom

During our most recent webinar entitled “Coaching in the Classroom: How Real-Time Feedback Leads to Lasting Improvement”, we were delighted to be joined by participants from all over the US including Michigan, Tennessee, NY, Florida, California, North Carolina, Louisiana, and many countries from around the globe such as Puerto Rico, Portugal, Bermuda, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, […]

Being a No-Nonsense Nurturer Coach in a Virtual World

This blog series is aimed at helping educators in a time of challenge and opportunity. Alex Price has been a trained Real Time Teacher Coach at Ashley Park PreK-8 School in Charlotte, NC for the last four years. In this Q&A, Alex reflects on how her role has changed as she supports her teachers virtually, […]

Think Pair Share…Gives Voice!

Our Think Pair Share blog series exposes teachers and administrators to examples of high-leverage strategies that support strong pedagogy in every classroom. Think Pair Share is a strategy that many teachers have heard of, but may not be implemented as rigorously as possible. When executed effectively, we frequently hear comments from teachers like this: “I […]