Ignite the Spark: Captivating Student Curiosity

Students gathered around a table with their teacher engaged in an activity

Think about the last time a social media post grabbed your attention. Maybe it was a hilarious video, an inspiring story, or a fascinating fact. Whatever it was, it captivated you. Webster’s dictionary defines being captivated as having one’s interest or attention held by something charming, beautiful, or entertaining. Now, imagine if educators planned their […]

Inside Out: A Teacher’s Emotional Journey in Education

Teaching is more than just a profession; it’s a calling deeply rooted in the desire to inspire, educate, and positively impact young lives. Yet, in the wake of the pandemic and amid the pervasive influence of social media on children and teens, educators face unprecedented challenges. Many teachers find themselves navigating burnout and questioning their […]

Setting the Stage for Inspired Learning

Principal and teacher greet students before walking into their classroom with an option board for choosing what kind of greeting they would like. They can choose from high fives, waves, or fist bumps.

Unveiling the Influence of Classroom Settings on Student Experience and Outcomes Imagine a workplace where vibrant colors and eye-catching displays replace mundane walls. Everything is well-organized, stocked, and accessible. It’s clean and well-lit, with natural light and lively green plants enhancing the atmosphere. Thoughtfully arranged seating fosters a sense of community. Multiple working and learning […]

30 Seconds to Success: Boost Classroom Engagement with Positive Narration

Teacher positive narration

30 Seconds to Success: Boost Classroom Engagement Want to create a sense of belonging in your classroom for every student, every day? Want a strategy that won’t require any more of your already limited time? Positive narration, simply noticing aloud the positive actions and behaviors of your students, ensures students are seen and acknowledged.    […]

Maximizing ESSER Funds: Empowering Educators and Sustaining Student Success Beyond 2025

Education funding uses

Maximizing ESSER Funds With less than seven months remaining until January 28, 2025, the countdown to the expiration of federal aid through the Elementary and Secondary School Relief Fund has begun. This impending deadline looms over school districts, threatening the loss of crucial funding intended to support students in their recovery from pandemic-induced learning loss. […]

Harnessing the Power of Mindfulness: How School Principals Can Use Meditation to Become Effective Educational Leaders


In the dynamic landscape of K-12 education, particularly in underserved communities, school principals stand at the forefront, shouldering the responsibility of steering their schools toward success. They not only manage day-to-day operations but also provide vision, guidance, and support to their staff and students. Amidst these demanding roles, maintaining focus, resilience, and effectiveness becomes paramount. […]

AIC Feedback

Teacher feedback

Providing feedback to adults can feel daunting. Some of us may not know how to begin or might run out of time. However, these concerns shouldn’t hinder us from delivering valuable feedback. Constructive feedback is essential for educators’ growth. It empowers them to reflect on their practice and enhance student outcomes. Despite any reservations, we […]

Improving Communication with Disgruntled Parents: A Guide for School Leaders

Parent teacher meeting

Engaging with disgruntled parents can be a challenging aspect of school leadership, but with the right approach, these interactions can lead to positive outcomes. Drawing from my own experiences and learning from past mistakes, here are some strategies for successful communication with upset parents: Schedule a Meeting: Set aside a 30-minute block for the meeting […]