Enhancing Student Engagement Through Individual Check-Ins: A Pathway to Student Ownership
When was the last time you met one-on-one with your students to discuss their academic progress? Could your students effectively articulate their strengths and areas for growth if questioned? If your responses lean towards infrequent or never, you might be overlooking a potent strategy for fostering student ownership of their learning journey. The National Institute […]
The Power of Leader and Coach Alignment: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success
In schools across our country, instructional coaches work to ensure each of their teachers get the support they need to be successful for students. School leaders are uniquely positioned to provide structure and explicit coaching to these folks, to ensure coach effectiveness as well as their feedback alignment. The steps below support an intentional relationship […]
Virtual Coaching: Not Just for Personal Training
One of the ways I like to destress and demonstrate self-care is by taking group exercise classes and going to the gym. Due to quarantines and social distancing restrictions, many gyms closed, and numerous personal trainers and gyms now offer virtual classes, training and coaching through Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, or other virtual platforms. I’ve participated […]
Feedback for Immediate Impact Part 2
Feedback for Immediate Impact (Part 2) In Part 1, we discussed the transformative nature of leaders delivering in-the-moment feedback to teachers. We even shared some examples of how you might provide this type of efficient and meaningful guidance. In Part 2, we will look at the key components for leaders to consider before they begin […]
Feedback for Immediate Impact Part 1
Feedback for Immediate Impact (Part 1) The Importance of Quality Feedback One of the most powerful tools a school leader has is the ability to motivate their teachers through high quality feedback. An impactful coaching culture takes shape through thoughtful leader moves, consistent systems, and common language. At CT3 and through Real Time Leadership Coaching (RTLC), […]
Dear Walkie
Educators from across the country have questions on equity; CT3 associates have answers in the Dear Walkie podcast series.
Collective Teacher Efficacy is the #1 Influencer of Student Achievement — But How Do We Achieve It? Tips for School Leaders
Collective Teacher Efficacy (CTE) is defined as a staff’s shared belief that through their collective action, they can positively influence student outcomes, including those who are disengaged or disadvantaged (Hattie, 2016). Collective Teacher Efficacy is ranked as the number one factor influencing student achievement with an effect size of 1.57 (Hattie, 2016). According to Visible Learning research, […]
Leading with Data Across Learning Modalities
This year more than ever, school leaders are filtering an unprecedented amount of information to support prioritization for student impact. They are balancing the social and emotional needs of students with the needs of their staff; additionally, they are balancing the priorities of relationship-building and routine with the imperative of rigorous instruction. And while No-Nonsense […]
Coaching in the Classroom
During our most recent webinar entitled “Coaching in the Classroom: How Real-Time Feedback Leads to Lasting Improvement”, we were delighted to be joined by participants from all over the US including Michigan, Tennessee, NY, Florida, California, North Carolina, Louisiana, and many countries from around the globe such as Puerto Rico, Portugal, Bermuda, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, […]
Being a No-Nonsense Nurturer Coach in a Virtual World
This blog series is aimed at helping educators in a time of challenge and opportunity. Alex Price has been a trained Real Time Teacher Coach at Ashley Park PreK-8 School in Charlotte, NC for the last four years. In this Q&A, Alex reflects on how her role has changed as she supports her teachers virtually, […]