Still Living in “The Other America”
Seeking to write something poignant about him as we celebrate the King holiday always pales in comparison to Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King’s own eloquent words and clear-eyed analysis of the state of racial injustice in America. And though his words were written over fifty years ago, the fact that they are still relevant — […]
Critical Race Theory Isn’t the Problem
Critical race theory (CRT), which has been around for decades, has become a catch-all for ideas, movements, curricula, teaching styles, and ideological stances, most of which are misaligned to the theory itself. Many of the things dumped into the CRT bucket don’t fit with its definition — a theoretical construct of the systemic nature of […]
Need a New Pair of Shoes
This post is part of CT3’s “Dear Walkie” blog series, and this one includes part of a mini-series of podcast episodes that provide a quality place for advice for anti-racist educators. CT3 Associates Chris Cantu and Jackie Surratt, both veteran teachers and school leaders, answer difficult questions about racial equity and empowering all students to succeed. And please, […]
Diminishing Returns
This blog post is part of CT3’s “Dear Walkie” series, a place for advice for anti-racist educators. CT3 Associates Chris Cantu and Jackie Surratt, both veteran teachers and school leaders, answer difficult questions about racial equity and empowering all students to succeed. And please, let us know in the comments if there are questions you would like answered! […]
Tired Magician
This post is part of CT3’s “Dear Walkie” blog series, and this one includes part of a mini-series of podcast episodes that provide a quality place for advice for anti-racist educators. CT3 Associates Chris Cantu and Jackie Surratt, both veteran teachers and school leaders, answer difficult questions about racial equity and empowering all students to succeed. And please, […]
Willies About the Walkie
This blog post is part of CT3’s “Dear Walkie” series, a place for advice for anti-racist educators. CT3 Associates Chris Cantu and Jackie Surratt, both veteran teachers and school leaders, answer difficult questions about racial equity and empowering all students to succeed. And please, let us know in the comments if there are questions you would like answered! […]
Critical Race Theory: The Argument to Have and How to Have It
Recently, I joined a client’s (CT3) internal meeting to discuss Critical Race Theory (CRT). I was doing really well. Right until I started talking. First, some background on this group as context for why I wanted to be in this particular session. CT3 is an active anti-racist organization focused on transforming education, the team walks towards […]
CT3 CARES: #StolenHistory
Sometimes history didn’t just go missing; it was stolen. From horse riding to superstar musicians, join Dr. Richard Frank on an investigation of stolen history.
Dear Walkie
Educators from across the country have questions on equity; CT3 associates have answers in the Dear Walkie podcast series.
Anti-Racist Read Alouds
I realized that one way I could help my kids address racism in their lives was through exposure to literature and conversation that celebrates diversity and addresses race.