Holiday greetings
Dear partners and friends, And so we have come to the end of what feels like the longest year in recent memory. You have no doubt seen the multiple GIFs and Instagram posts calling for the rapid end to 2020, presumably so we can “get past” this difficult year. The truth is, the end of 2020 […]
Virtual Coaching: Not Just for Personal Training
One of the ways I like to destress and demonstrate self-care is by taking group exercise classes and going to the gym. Due to quarantines and social distancing restrictions, many gyms closed, and numerous personal trainers and gyms now offer virtual classes, training and coaching through Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, or other virtual platforms. I’ve participated […]
Critical Race Theory: There’s the Argument to Have, and How to Have the Argument
Recently, I joined a client’s (CT3) internal meeting to discuss Critical Race Theory (CRT). I was doing really well. Right until I started talking. First, some background on this group as context for why I wanted to be in this particular session. CT3 is an active anti-racism organization focused on transforming education, the team walks […]
Dismantle From Within
White Flight & Early Experiences of Racism My first memories of experiencing racism are from my early childhood. I was starting elementary school in Gary, Indiana. I remember the excitement of going to Washington Elementary for the first time and seeing so many other kids with different backgrounds and skin color. This wasn’t surprising. After […]
Feedback for Immediate Impact Part 2
Feedback for Immediate Impact (Part 2) In Part 1, we discussed the transformative nature of leaders delivering in-the-moment feedback to teachers. We even shared some examples of how you might provide this type of efficient and meaningful guidance. In Part 2, we will look at the key components for leaders to consider before they begin […]
Feedback for Immediate Impact Part 1
Feedback for Immediate Impact (Part 1) The Importance of Quality Feedback One of the most powerful tools a school leader has is the ability to motivate their teachers through high quality feedback. An impactful coaching culture takes shape through thoughtful leader moves, consistent systems, and common language. At CT3 and through Real Time Leadership Coaching (RTLC), […]
The Power of Pronouns: The First Step In Creating a Gender-Inclusive Environment
Using Pronouns: A Simple Gesture with Massive Impact
I was recently reminded that One. White. Woman. has a lot of power in this country. This reminder came after our team completed a No-Nonsense Nurturer® Workshop in the South and One. White. Woman. set the district into a tizzy. She claimed our training conflicted with their state’s CRT laws, when in fact it does […]
CRT ≠ Anti-Racism
All over the nation, schools have started the 22-23 school year as the closest we’ve come to our pre-pandemic reality (despite COVID infection rates at steady state and a looming monkeypox threat). Masks are generally optional; most of the nation’s districts are opening with in person instruction; parents are reporting a sense of familiarity with […]
Strategic Supports for Veterans Serving Schools
I recently read that the Florida Department of Education (DoE) is providing opportunities for members of the United States Armed Forces and veterans to join the ranks of teachers and administrators working to support Florida’s students. Difficult Times Call for Innovative Solutions As a former Marine captain and air command and control officer, I know […]