Rocking Teacher Feedback: There Are Levels to This
Let’s dive into teacher feedback – a powerful tool in nurturing our teachers and fostering a school that learns. Like sports coaching strategies, effective feedback can be the key to transforming a good teacher into a great one. Let’s explore the three crucial levels that can impact teaching practices and enhance student learning while understanding how each level […]
The Power of Leader and Coach Alignment: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success
In schools across our country, instructional coaches work to ensure each of their teachers get the support they need to be successful for students. School leaders are uniquely positioned to provide structure and explicit coaching to these folks, to ensure coach effectiveness as well as their feedback alignment. The steps below support an intentional relationship […]
College and Career Readiness
College and career readiness is an issue of growing importance in my mind. In fact, I am obsessed with it. I am a career educator, coach, community member, and most importantly the mom of two Generation Z youngsters. In my opinion, Gen Z gets a bad rap, for it is their sensitivity (which is frequently […]
Teaching Every Student Every Day
Teaching Every Student Every Day Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Classroom By SJT, CT3 Associate Every Student, Every Day is the name of our mentor text that explains our No Nonsense Nurturing philosophy of equity and inclusion in the classroom. This means that educators are accountable for driving positive academic and social outcomes for […]
S.A.F.E Schools
By: SJT School safety training is a topic that has become increasingly important to school leaders. Leaders are accountable for securing the safety of scholars, staff, and other community members who are on campus. There could be several emergencies that can occur in a school, ranging in severity from internal violent threats to the school […]
Our partnership with When We All Vote
At CT3, we value civic engagement and are excited to help our education community make their voices heard in every election. We are teaming up with When We All Vote, a non-profit, non-partisan organization on a mission to increase participation in every election and close the race and age voting gap. Now, it’s time to do our […]
Relationships: More important now than ever before.
This is a repost and certainly as timely now as it was in March 2020. This blog series is aimed at helping educators in a time of uncertainty and challenge. The cornerstone of being a No-Nonsense Nurturer is building meaningful relationships – with students, their families, and our colleagues. During this time of COVID-19, most […]
SEL Book List: Teacher and School Leader
Excerpt reposted from Glose for Education blog, originally posted October 8, 2020. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) within the school is primarily associated with student enrichment and development, however, we know that SEL opportunities benefit more learners when both professional and personal experiences are extended to all stakeholders, especially teacher and school leaders. To contribute […]
Managing online learning fatigue for scholars
This online learning blog series is aimed at helping educators in a time of uncertainty and new challenges. Whether you are managing a virtual classroom daily with synchronous instruction or engaging with asynchronous instruction, supporting students as they balance their time on- and off-the-screen makes a difference in their overall success. What are some tips […]
What do we do on Wednesday, November 4, 2020?!
The SY2021 school year is presenting a number of challenges for educators — too many to count. In the coming week, national (and local) elections may contribute to that challenge. The current identity polarization in the US — across lines of race, politics, gender, ethnicity, language and more — will undoubtedly show up in conversations […]