The Truth about “No-Nonsense Nurturing”

My name is Kristyn Klei Borrero. I have spent more than 20 years in education, as a teacher, principal and co-founder of CT3. I spent years watching teachers struggle with “classroom management” and creating classroom cultures that are well-organized with deeply engaged learners. Surprisingly, there is not much professional development focused on creating great learning […]

The Power of Restorative Conversations

Picture this… Student gets upset. Teacher kicks student out of the classroom. Student receives disciplinary action from the teacher. Student enters the classroom the next day and the cycle repeats itself all over again. This incident is typical in schools across America, and for students of color and males, in particular, the percentage of disciplinary incidents […]

Twitter Chat on 3/12/16: The Importance of Student Voice

Below is the link to our inventory of amazing questions, thoughts and commentary from our second Twitter Chat on the importance of student voice in the classroom. Our next Twitter Chat will be held on Saturday, April 9 at 9:00am PST/12:00 PM EST. Follow #ct3 to participate! Click here to find more of our blog […]

Twitter Chat on 2/27/16: “Why We Must Love and Nurture Our Scholars”

Below is the link to our inventory of amazing questions, thoughts and commentary from our first Twitter Chat on Why We Must Love And Nurture Our Scholars. Our next Twitter Chat will be held on Saturday, March 12 at 9 AM pst / 12 PM est on Student Voice.  Please join in and participate. […]

Meet Katharine Bonasera – the Agent of Change at Allenbrook Elementary

Katharine Bonasera, the principal at Allenbrook Elementary School is a No-Nonsense Nurturer® that holds her school community to high expectations and believes that all students “CAN AND WILL”. In a world where we have amazing, top performing educators and principals, Katharine rates among the elite. Why is she electrifying? Katharine knows that a key lever […]

Do No-Nonsense Nurturers say Please and Thank You? Absolutely!

All of the No-Nonsense Nurturers I know, and I know many, use please and thank you in their classrooms often. At CT3, we encourage and coach teachers to model the use of mainstream cultural norms—which include please and thank you amongst others.  We also encourage teachers to use please and thank you when communicating to […]

Segment on Good Morning America

This segment recently aired in January of 2016 on Good Morning America about our work with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in North Carolina. We appreciate the story and their coverage, but not all details were reported accurately. For further understanding of our work at CT3, check out our website, or any of the other blog articles that focus […]

Should we teach students to track the speaker?

Teachers often insist that it doesn’t matter if the student is tracking or looking at the speaker. “I can listen and not look at you,” are the words that made me stop and pause. The 25-year veteran teacher was absolutely right. She could listen without looking at me, as we were only 12 inches apart. […]

The Food Network…Effective Teacher PD?

As a busy mom with a full time job that requires travel, I hardly have time to watch much television, but when I do, it’s always the Food Network. In fact, one of our favorite “Family Friday Fun Night” activities is for our kids to snuggle in bed with us and watch the fast paced […]