Thoughts on Recent Events from our CEO and Co-Founder

As educators working with marginalized populations across the country, it’s been an emotional week following the events in Charlottesville and the response of the current administration. Our work at CT3 is first and foremost to promote social justice, love, acceptance, and a thirst for learning. The events of this weekend note a deepening crisis in our country and for our […]

Student Diversity and Equity: 3 Simple Ways for Teachers to Support All Learning Needs

Almost 7 million children in the United States have a disability. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) became law in 1975, and has provided regulations for individuals with disabilities to have access to an equitable education with resources that address their individual needs. Unfortunately, the reauthorization of  IDEA has been long overdue since 2010. […]

A Note to Educators: Pedagogy Surpasses Curriculum

Recently we have noticed that many of the organizations we work with are focusing their coaching resources on implementing curriculum, meaning the content of what teachers teach. This content is often determined by state standards and purchased textbooks or programs. While often well-intentioned, what many schools and districts don’t realize is that prioritizing content over […]

4 Ways to Improve Teacher Experience

As a former principal, I learned that one of the keys to successful leadership is not to prioritize your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. One of those priorities must be focusing on the morale of teachers and staff in the school building. It’s no secret that year after year, teachers are leaving this noble […]

No-Nonsense Nurturer® and the Social Needs of the Brain

I remember a time in elementary school when my friend and I were pulling at our Velcro shoes (making a scratchy sound) during a lesson when we were expected to be quiet, and the teacher sent me to my desk for being disruptive, but my friend did not get in trouble. I felt betrayed by […]

The Country’s Best Coaches: Ashley Gaymon in Brooklyn, NY

At CT3, we are fortunate to be able to meet and work closely with educators all over the country. We often find that the Real Time Teacher Coaches we train often hold different roles besides just “coach”. They’re not just No-Nonsense Nurturers, or skilled Real Time Teacher Coaches, but they’re also experts in a variety […]

The Country’s Best Coaches: Samantha Reichard in Charlotte, NC

At CT3, we are fortunate to be able to meet and work closely with educators all over the country. We often find that the Real Time Teacher Coaches we train often hold different roles besides just “coach”. They’re not just No-Nonsense Nurturers, or skilled Real Time Teacher Coaches, but they’re also experts in a variety […]

The Country’s Best Coaches: Marlise Burton in Syracuse, NY

At CT3, we are fortunate to be able to meet and work closely with educators all over the country. We often find that the Real Time Teacher Coaches we train often hold different roles besides just “coach”. They’re not just No-Nonsense Nurturers, or skilled Real Time Teacher Coaches, but they’re also experts in a variety […]

The Country’s Best Coaches: Zonya Hicks in Brooklyn, NY

At CT3, we are fortunate to be able to meet and work closely with educators all over the country. We often find that the Real Time Teacher Coaches we train often hold different roles besides just “coach”. They’re not just No-Nonsense Nurturers, or skilled Real Time Teacher Coaches, but they’re also experts in a variety […]