How No-Nonsense Nurturers Leverage Breakout Rooms for Scholar Learning

As No-Nonsense Nurturers, we know the power of scholar discussion and discourse. In the current virtual world, we also understand that many of the platforms we are using offer an opportunity to provide space for structured scholars conversation. In many respects, the way a No-Nonsense Nurturer uses the Think Pair Share strategy can be adapted […]

The Power of the Check for Understanding (CFU)

The No-Nonsense Nurturer pedagogical model was developed over several years by observing highly successful teachers in action, then creating a coaching system to support teachers in adopting these effective strategies in their classrooms. No-Nonsense Nurturer educators change lives because they believe all students deserve a classroom in which students’ voices are heard and their full potential […]

Setting Purpose for Your Students in a Virtual Learning Environment

This blog series is aimed at helping educators in a time of challenge and opportunity. As No-Nonsense Nurturers, we inherently believe that all scholars deserve to know why our learning expectations matter. In our current context, the “why” has never been more important. Scholars are adapting to a new virtual medium and new expectations for […]

Being a No-Nonsense Nurturer Coach in a Virtual World

This blog series is aimed at helping educators in a time of challenge and opportunity. Alex Price has been a trained Real Time Teacher Coach at Ashley Park PreK-8 School in Charlotte, NC for the last four years. In this Q&A, Alex reflects on how her role has changed as she supports her teachers virtually, […]

Making the Most of Recorded Lessons

This blog series is aimed at helping educators in a time of challenge and opportunity. Are you suddenly tasked with recording lessons that you have normally taught in front of your students? Recorded lessons are a whole new ballgame; with no teacher-student interaction and a lack of formative assessments, teachers aren’t able to notice when […]

Adapting the Practices of Successful Teachers at Home

This blog series is aimed at helping educators with virtual teaching in a time of uncertainty and challenge. At CT3, we train teachers to achieve true student engagement by embedding the No-Nonsense Nurturer approach into all of teachers’ interactions with students each day. By utilizing the four steps of the No-Nonsense Nurturer model, teachers provide […]

Meet Leila Kubesch, 2020 Ohio Teacher of the Year

This blog series is aimed at helping educators in a time of uncertainty and challenge. Staying Connected in the Midst of COVID-19 Closures   2020 Ohio Teacher of the Year Leila Kubesch recently shared some of the ways she is staying connected with her students during the current school closures. For my students, the joy […]

Creating Powerful Moments: Deepen students’ feelings of safety and security

This blog series is aimed at helping educators in a time of uncertainty and challenge. Does anyone else feel like Alice when she falls through the rabbit hole into a strange new world? All of the chaos that’s part of the COVID-19 pandemic leaves me feeling like I’m in some kind of absurd fictional world […]

Meet Our Team: Joey Roane

In our new blog series, we are interviewing a member of the CT3 team about their background in education as well as the expertise that they each bring to their work with educators across the country. Why did you want to become a teacher/educator? In high school, I LOVED my history classes and began thinking […]

Meet Our Team: Meaghan Loftus

In our new blog series, we are interviewing a member of the CT3 team about their background in education as well as the expertise that they each bring to their work with educators across the country. Why did you want to become a teacher? During my junior year of college, I had a life-changing opportunity […]