Coach Dashboard

The Coach Dashboard was updated in Fall 2022. With this update, CT3 is sharing the following tips for Real Time Teacher Coaches to familiarize themselves with the new dashboard. This page will be updated as needed.

How to Access the Coach Dashboard

Step 1:

Sign into CT3’s OneLogin Platform.

Step 2:

Select orange Data Insights button. This will open a new tab.

Step 3:

Select Dashboards icon in the upper-left corner.

Step 4:

If the Dashboards menu does not show on the left, hover over the hamburger icon in the upper-left so it appears.

Step 5:

Select SY2223 Coach Dashboard from the Dashboards menu.

Note: This video guide from DOMO may be helpful if you are new.

Navigating the Dashboard

Information is organized by cards.

Things to keep in mind:

Data Refreshes

Coaching data requires cleaning and processing, which means data is not immediately available in the Data Insights platform upon entry.

Typically, data is refreshed every 30-60 minutes. You can check the last time your data was refreshed by opening a card, scrolling to the bottom of the page, and under the card’s content you will see the phrase “Dataset Updated [time span] ago.”


If you would like to suggest an enhancement to the Coach Dashboard, please reach out to us at

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